Two Earthquakes in 3 days!!! (6/20)
We felt an earthquake Sat night while watching a movie at Andres's house. It was the first we'd felt. Two times one week people I work with said they felt an earthquake and I never felt it. Now I have! It was strange. More movement than standing next to a train as it goes by. I was sitting on a wooden futon and I could really feel my body moving left to right. And the floor move under my feet. We looked for it on the internet when we got home, but couldnt' find it.
Well tonight at home I was on the internet and Chris was talking to me when I suddenly felt the chair beneath me shaking, and the floor too, but it seemed at different speeds. I felt it I think for about 20-30 seconds. Long enough to look at Chris, say something and he confirmed he felt it as it ended. I just looked at, a local news station and found this article. It says something about subterranean sound. I heard something at the same time I started to feel it, but it sounded like something in the stairwell, I dont know really if it was this sound that they are talking about, but I doubt it.:
******La Terra News writes:
SANTIAGO, junio 19.- Un fuerte sismo se dejó sentir esta noche en la Región Metropolitana a las 22:13 horas.
El movimiento telúrico -que estuvo acompañado por ruido subterráneo-, se extendió durante más de un minuto y se hizo más evidente en los edificios de altura.
El sismo habría tenido una intensidad aproximada de 3 grados de intensidad en la escala de Mercalli en la Región Metropolitana, mientras que tuvo menor intensidad hacia el sur del país.
Mientras que la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias, ONEMI, informó que se trató de un movimiento de regular intensidad.
Otro sismo el sábado pasado (junio 17).- Se trata del segundo sismo de regular intensidad en las últimas 48 horas, ya que el pasado sábado a las 23:45 horas se produjo un movimiento telúrico cuyas intensidades fluctuaron entre los 2 y 3 grados en la Escala de Mercalli.
It wasn't strong enough here to even make anything fall down, just enough to make you feel a little vertigo and out of control of your body movements. Weird feeling though. Along with the volcano in Costa Rica, it makes me realize that the earth is a living creature!
I'm going to check the US Geological site ( see how they have it registered.
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