Chilean Red Tape (5/15)
Today, I went to downtown to finalize my visa and begin the process for obtaining an identity card. (I am a nobody here in Chile because I don't have an identity.) But the process is complicated, attention is given to tedious details, and sometimes personnell can be tempermental. Few complete the entire process without near fatal injuries.
Fortunately, I had very little trouble getting my visa. Teachers, especially English-speaking teachers, have little trouble because Chile currently values the foreign influence in education. BUT, I am not unscathed. After getting my visa, I went to the international police station in a different part of town to certify that I am who I say I am. Then I had to go the civil registery in another part of the downtown (walking, mind you) to apply for the card. After waiting in line for an hour, I reached the desk where they asked for photocopies. No one told me I needed photocopies of anything. So I had to leave, go around the corner, and have copies made. They lady there knew what I was doing so I told her my story. She told me I should be able to go to the front and not wait all over again. So, when I arrived, I went right to the lady who told me to get the photocopies and asked if I had to wait in line again. She said she would help me. BUT (this is the scathing part), she found that the name on the paper issued by the international police station didn't have my middle name. So she wouldn't complete my application!!! I had to go back to the international police station and get another certification.
After finding that I could go to the front of the line once, I wasn't going to wait in line again. :o)
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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