Adventures In Chile

Welcome to my educational experience!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Filling the Shoes (3/14-16)

After just a few days, I feel that I am "finding my groove!" I've concluded that, as far as behavior goes, kids are kids everywhere. I have a few ornery students, a few talkative students, a few students who are distractible, and the students that you want to give hallows to. When problems arrise we talk about them and find solutions. The hardest thing for me to get used to is the students all call me "Sir Chris."

Finally, after much waiting, our container arrived with all our stuff!!! With Bob and Sylvia and a truck driver's help, we carried all our things into our apartment. Now we have the fun job of unpacking and making "house." I am so happy we don't have to eat while sitting on the floor any more!


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