More Than Just a Transport (10/28)

Welcome to my educational experience!
OK, ok. Kiddies can be really cute at times, I admit.
As a teacher in a public school in the States, the worst thing that could happen if a student isn't doing well is repeating the grade. That's a serious decision that has lifelong effects. Steps must be taken in order for it to be an option. Here, retention is a possibility, but not the most grave consequence. If you don't keep up with expectations, you will be asked to leave the school. I have a student who received this letter. It recommended that the family investigate other options for next year. And I had to hand this letter to them. Wow, that was hard. I nearly cried.
Some people live on the edge. We live on the Ring. The Ring of Fire, that is. While the title might sound like a cheap pickup line, we've been asking it a lot lately. Thursday's was the first of four daily earthquakes. That was around 2PM. My class went from calm and quietly working to wild excitement and chaos. Though it wasn't strong enough to merit ducking under our desks, it did shake and last long enough to make me consider inquiring if we should. It was a pretty strong 4 on the Richter scale, I'd guess. We had one Friday night too. Deb and I were at home, and we had that moment of "Oh my gosh!!!" Saturday's was too light to feel. But today we felt the shaking around 10:30PM. It was serious enough to make rattling sounds around the room. Short, but grabbed the attention. The coolest part is that we track these earthquakes on the US Geological Survey website. (Take a look!!!) About half an hour after the quake it appeared on the site as a 5.4 in northern Chile. 230 miles away and we certainly felt it. Kind of mindboggling, we only think the earth is solid and stable!
We are definitely learning! We traveled south to Pucon for the weekend. We traveled 8 hours on a bus. BUT, there are different kinds of buses. And we took the spacious, "Pamper me, pamper me!" class this time. It was much more enjoyable than riding in the coach class. Though I still had trouble sleeping.