A-Trekking We Will Go! (9/30)

We certainly saw things that were worth our while. The vistas were gorgeous,

Welcome to my educational experience!
Today was the last day at ADS for one of Deb's good buddies. Enrique has been a source of advice and humor for Deb, especially in difficult times. (And, goodness knows, there have been some difficult times for Deb!) There have been some changes in the company, and Enrique has remained as a positive force. Until now. He is moving on, hoping to spend more time with his family. (Smart man, in my opinion!) So, Enrique, two ADS salesmen, Deb and I went out to eat together. We ate at a "picoteo" (lots of good food for cheap) seafood restaurant. (Deb doesn't like seafood, but there were other plates on the menu.)And we told stories, talked about ADS, and joked around. I didn't really know the others before, but I sure had a good time. Deb works/ed with some nice people.
I wish this were an effort to be funny. It's not. I have serious computer trouble. I had a virus on the LES laptop. I didn't even know Mac's could get viruses. So when we were in the States, a kind techie from LES installed a Antivirus software. I ran it several times and deleted currupt files. The computer worked fine for about a week after we returned. I even sent out a "Chile Update" like everything was fine. Then it shut down. Now, when I start it, it spins and whirs and never quite arrives, stuck in the initiation stages. Fortunately, there are other computers around that I can use. I just wonder, how can I go about getting the LES laptop fixed?!?! Oh, brother!!!
I'm not sure how to describe our visit to the States. I hope saying that doesn't offend anybody. This thought has nothing to do with visiting family and friends. We were more than glad to see everybody. We missed people and enjoyed every opportunity to catch up with others. However, Deb and I joked about how it was a test run for our return. And it was. From this point, we are definitely on the downhill slope. School will fly by and soon we will have to buy tickets and pack boxes. Not an happy thought. There have been many things that have made our stay here special. At the same time, it hasn't been all rosey either. Being a minority is an inescapable feeling. And there have been MANY times when I've felt misunderstood or like I didn't understand. When we were packing, waiting in the airport and especially when we missed a flight, I thought one of us would feel stressed. But we rolled with it all. It was all good! Not perfect, but good. When we return for good, it won't be easy. But we will be able to. And we know this is the right thing for both of us.
I love to fly. It was a long flight though, and I didn't sleep much on the plane. It felt like just another flight. But it was unique in ways too. For example, the Gay Mens Chorus from Los Angeles was aboard. It wasn't hard to pick out the 20-30 members of that group. We were supposed to watch Over the Hedge, but the sound quality was horrible. So they switched to Goal! which was a good movie about a Mexican illegal immigrant who makes it onto a soccer team in England. I love airplane food, so I was excited about the food on the plane.
I don't know why I felt nervous. I was returning to a place that I love. The teachers and students of LES have come to mean so much to me. I guess I was worried that everybody would have forgotten me. But I certainly didn't feel forgotten. After passing through the office, I crashed some Monday Morning meetings. I was so happy to see these teachers. It was all too brief, though. The bell rang and students started arriving.
I think the battery charger for my computer (the chord) grew legs and walked away. That´s right. It´s missing. It was on my desk in my classroom when it disappeared. I don´t know who would want it. It looked very well used, and wouldn´t be worth a whole lot on the "black market." It´s crazy to think, though, that someone in the school might have lifted it. A replacement here costs US$130 so I will be using the school lab computers until we return to the States on Thurs.