Adventures In Chile

Welcome to my educational experience!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

A-Trekking We Will Go! (9/30)

I love all things natural! (Well, almost all.) And I really haven't taken the time to commune with nature here in Chile before. So today Deb and I wanted to hike at this place called Yerba Loca (Crazy Weed) Park, but we left too late to go up the one way drive to the mountains. We ended up going to a local park for a "walk" in the hills. We were terribly naive. When we found it, we immediately noticed we wore the wrong outfits. The other hikers had serious garb and gear. And there I was in shorts, button-down shirt, and brandishing a digital camera. Before we headed up the trail, I asked another hiker if there was a map and if he recommended seeing anything in particular. With a chuckle, he informed me there were no maps but the trail was well marked. He said you could hike for 8 hours and its all hills. With those well-wishes Deb and I started UP the trail. It was a hoot, especially when we arrived to the part where there were chains hanging from the rocks to help you scale. We didn't go far before we decided to appreciate the scenery.

We certainly saw things that were worth our while. The vistas were gorgeous, we saw flowers, heard birds, and got some exercise. But my favorite part of our hike was spotting a wasp-relative carrying away a spider. They wasp and spider were actually quite big, I am guessing that the spider was a juventile turantula (though I am not certain). Though very close (less than 15 minutes from our apartment), we felt completely removed from urban-dom.

Adios Enrique! (9/29)

Today was the last day at ADS for one of Deb's good buddies. Enrique has been a source of advice and humor for Deb, especially in difficult times. (And, goodness knows, there have been some difficult times for Deb!) There have been some changes in the company, and Enrique has remained as a positive force. Until now. He is moving on, hoping to spend more time with his family. (Smart man, in my opinion!) So, Enrique, two ADS salesmen, Deb and I went out to eat together. We ate at a "picoteo" (lots of good food for cheap) seafood restaurant. (Deb doesn't like seafood, but there were other plates on the menu.)And we told stories, talked about ADS, and joked around. I didn't really know the others before, but I sure had a good time. Deb works/ed with some nice people.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Serious Trouble! (9/29)

I wish this were an effort to be funny. It's not. I have serious computer trouble. I had a virus on the LES laptop. I didn't even know Mac's could get viruses. So when we were in the States, a kind techie from LES installed a Antivirus software. I ran it several times and deleted currupt files. The computer worked fine for about a week after we returned. I even sent out a "Chile Update" like everything was fine. Then it shut down. Now, when I start it, it spins and whirs and never quite arrives, stuck in the initiation stages. Fortunately, there are other computers around that I can use. I just wonder, how can I go about getting the LES laptop fixed?!?! Oh, brother!!!

Football Anybody? (9/28)

When we were in the States, I decided that I wanted to take "American" things to the students in my class. I took baseball cards, Hershey's Chocolate Kisses, and an official size football that has good grip for fingers unfamiliar with tossing one. I have to say, I am surprise at the way this football has been embraced. Though, some throw it more like a rugby ball, students are learning to throw it up and down the field. They enjoy running, playing keep away, and sometimes tackling. But, I didn't expect it to "catch" on so fast!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

High School Musical, Fourth Grader Style (9/27)

My students impressed me today. Not just a little, either. You may have heard of the movie High School Musical. Well. My students LOVE it!!! They listen to the movie music every opportunity they get. They dance and sing along with the English lyrics, and these boys and girls just enjoy themselves. Our principal walked in on their fun and invited them to perform for an assembly. So they set a date and the practice began. Each recess for the last month about 10 students (with additions and subtractions to the group and much groaning by others due to the inescapable presence of these songs) have practiced and added choreography to their routine. Today they performed their show, even including a student jumping off steps and into the arms of others, trustfall-fashion. It was so impressive that the assembled cried for a repeat. These students, joined by the other less-certain students repeated the act. And, due to popular demand, everybody was invited to dance to the song one last time. This was sheer pandemonium, but enjoyed tremendously by the students! To the point that children begged these fourth graders for autographs.

What impresses me so much about this is it was so student-oriented. The students were self-motivated, they were given an opportunity and they achieved in many ways. These students contributed to the school community in a way that will be remember for much longer than this year. It really was an incredible lesson for all of the fourth grade. I wish for opportunities like this in the States.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lions, Tigers, and Nandu. Oh My!!! (9/24)

That's right! Zoos rock!!! Benjamin loves zoo animals. (He thinks the monkeys are his stepbrothers/sisters.) He imitates many of the animals on command. Priscilla suggested we all go to the zoo while Andres is out of town. She knows I love animals too, and she likes the company when Andres is gone. The Buin Zoo (click the link to see it's website) is one of two zoos in Santiago, offering several animals I've never seen before. We saw nandu (an ostrich-like bird), tapir (cross a deer and a pig, and -Whalla!- tapir!), mara (a huge rabbit that walks instead of hops), pygmy hippopotami, pudu (the worlds smallest deer), buitre real (a buzzard with a rainbow colored head and neck) and several funky breeds of more familiar animals. We saw turtles making love, a white tiger on the prowl, a very bold goat, butt-ugly monkeys and albino peacocks. Despite the X-rated turtle exhibit and judging by the crowd, if you have a little kid, the zoo is the place to be! We certainly had a good time!

Really, what was most fun was hanging out with Priscilla and Benjamin. We washed our car and took Benja for a drive in his new, motorized jeep. He loves it! (Now if only he could drive it without crashing into everything. :o) We listened to music, watched a movie and downloaded pictures. I guess, as Aunt and Uncle, you could call it our family obligation!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

ADS with Deb! (9/23)

Today, I went with Deb to ADS for the day. That's right, on a Saturday! We had plans for the afternoon that were spoiled because Deb had to work all day. Oh well. It was kind of fun for me. I went and worked on a computer there. I got to wear special cool-looking safety glasses and I stamped myself with the ADS address stamp. What I enjoyed so much about it though (beside the fact that I could get coffee, go to the bathroom, listen to music and daydream whenever I wanted) was being able to talk to Deb, Lorena and Alejandra. It was fun to joke around with them. Granted, I am sure Saturdays are more relaxed and casual, but they were quite a lot of fun. We even went out for lunch together. I wouldn't want to do it every day, but for a change it was great to see Deborah at work!!!

US Visit (9/19)

I'm not sure how to describe our visit to the States. I hope saying that doesn't offend anybody. This thought has nothing to do with visiting family and friends. We were more than glad to see everybody. We missed people and enjoyed every opportunity to catch up with others. However, Deb and I joked about how it was a test run for our return. And it was. From this point, we are definitely on the downhill slope. School will fly by and soon we will have to buy tickets and pack boxes. Not an happy thought. There have been many things that have made our stay here special. At the same time, it hasn't been all rosey either. Being a minority is an inescapable feeling. And there have been MANY times when I've felt misunderstood or like I didn't understand. When we were packing, waiting in the airport and especially when we missed a flight, I thought one of us would feel stressed. But we rolled with it all. It was all good! Not perfect, but good. When we return for good, it won't be easy. But we will be able to. And we know this is the right thing for both of us.

Home again, home again (9/18)

I love to fly. It was a long flight though, and I didn't sleep much on the plane. It felt like just another flight. But it was unique in ways too. For example, the Gay Mens Chorus from Los Angeles was aboard. It wasn't hard to pick out the 20-30 members of that group. We were supposed to watch Over the Hedge, but the sound quality was horrible. So they switched to Goal! which was a good movie about a Mexican illegal immigrant who makes it onto a soccer team in England. I love airplane food, so I was excited about the food on the plane. And then there were the mountains! For the first time, We were on the left side of the plane and the sun came up before we landed. The Andes were GORGEOUS!!!! I can't describe them. The were just gorgeous.


Wow, it was so nice to see family and friends from the States!!! Most people escaped the now ingrained habit of the greeting kiss. Most people! But I was so happy to see some many people, that I at least had to hug them. It seems that we hadn't seen our US relations in forever. So David and Kim's wedding and a family get-together were excellent opportunities to chat and catch up with others. Then there were the neices and nephews! Helping with homework, playing games, and just talking with them was time well spent. In case you didn't know, I have a new neice, Hailey Marie, who was born on Aug. 10 (our anniversary). This is the first time we saw her. Though it may sound tacky, I truly enjoy my role as uncle to these kids.

School Visit! (9/11)

I don't know why I felt nervous. I was returning to a place that I love. The teachers and students of LES have come to mean so much to me. I guess I was worried that everybody would have forgotten me. But I certainly didn't feel forgotten. After passing through the office, I crashed some Monday Morning meetings. I was so happy to see these teachers. It was all too brief, though. The bell rang and students started arriving.

I was so excited about meeting the students that will be mine in January. I switched over into teacher mode and got to work. Meeting kids for the first time is so much fun for me. I love to relate and probe and hypothesize about what motivates them. I truly enjoy watching them open up and show their colors. I feel a certain success in achieving this kind of relationship with children. It inspires and challenges me. I try to be everything I find they need and want me to be then.

Herb, who is filling my place until I return, let me share with the class. I had brought a load of things to share. We compared the United States and Chilean flags. We looked at pictures. I showed the rocks. Dylan, who sent his Flat Stanley to Deb and last year, brought the pictures we mailed. And then I gave them all some treats and Chilean money. They were pretty excited. Then I circulated around the room while they worked on Math problems. It's funny how, after such a short time, I felt so connected to the group. I am really quite sentimental about some things.

Now. I have to wait until January to see them again. (Sigh.)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The wedding!!! (9/8-9)

After unloading and showering at the hotel, we were off to the rehearsal and dinner. Now, I barely knew Kim and never met her family. Deb and I left the country when everybody was making efforts to meet. After brief introductions, we jumped into the rehearsal. I didn't feel that my part was huge so I got to know some of Kim's brothers-in-law. Deb got to know the sisters. And we all watched the kids play and carry-on. Dinner at RJ Snappers was casual and great for getting to know everybody. By the end of the evening, I was really glad for David and happy to be a part of the fun.

As you can well imagine, the wedding was beautiful. I enjoyed dressing up. There really weren't any hitches. The children did a wonderful job. The reception was incredible. Make your own pasta (with the help of the chefs), meats, salads, and wonderful cake. Lots of chatting. And Deborah even danced with me!!! It was quite an incredible occasion. I hope David and Kim enjoyed it as much as I did.

Traveling to the US! (9/8)

Spring is definitely in the air in Chile. We leave right as the trees are blooming their beautiful best. I'm sure they will be past their prime when we return. And I understand that fall is setting in and we are in for cooler weather in the States. Oh well.

So, We're going to the States for a visit. But, somehow, it seems to be much more. It's like a test run for the return. I'm not sure how I feel about it either. I have noticed that neither Deb nor I seems stressed about the trip. That's strange. Usually one of us is stressing. We went with plenty of time, so when Deb was pulled aside twice for inspection (Ha, ha!), we didn't even flinch. Even when we missed a connection in Dallas we remained fairly calm. (We just ended up waiting an extra two hours for the next flight.) And it was a real relief to see Bob and Sylvia when we arrived in Columbus. We were just about late for the reheasal dinner though.

Lesson Planning (9/7)

Do you ever feel like there is really no point to what you are doing? Lesson planning has been so much easier in Chile, mostly because there seems to be so little pressure on teachers. It's all on the students. So, preparing lesson plans for the substitute since we were leaving for the US wasn't really a huge deal. Still, I take this responsibility seriously. I made sure there was plenty to do and that everything was organized. But I have a feeling that between special activities and the desire to make things easy for the students before the holiday break, my plans are gonna go out the door. I could be wrong, but experience tells me that I will be cleaning up when I get back.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Frustration (9/4)

I think the battery charger for my computer (the chord) grew legs and walked away. That´s right. It´s missing. It was on my desk in my classroom when it disappeared. I don´t know who would want it. It looked very well used, and wouldn´t be worth a whole lot on the "black market." It´s crazy to think, though, that someone in the school might have lifted it. A replacement here costs US$130 so I will be using the school lab computers until we return to the States on Thurs.

Deb and I are looking forward to see friends and family again after so long. We will be in OH for David´s (Deb´s brother) wedding and then go to PA for a few days. Finally we will return and fly out from OH again. Ten day. I know it will go too fast. But we will only be here a few more months.