A-Trekking We Will Go! (9/30)
I love all things natural! (Well, almost all.) And I really haven't taken the time to commune with nature here in Chile before. So today Deb and I wanted to hike at this place called Yerba Loca (Crazy Weed) Park, but we left too late to go up the one way drive to the mountains. We ended up going to a local park for a "walk" in the hills. We were terribly naive. When we found it, we immediately noticed we wore the wrong outfits. The other hikers had serious garb and gear. And there I was in shorts, button-down shirt, and brandishing a digital camera. Before we headed up the trail, I asked another hiker if there was a map and if he recommended seeing anything in particular. With a chuckle, he informed me there were no maps but the trail was well marked. He said you could hike for 8 hours and its all hills. With those well-wishes Deb and I started UP the trail. It was a hoot, especially when we arrived to the part where there were chains hanging from the rocks to help you scale. We didn't go far before we decided to appreciate the scenery.
We certainly saw things that were worth our while. The vistas were gorgeous, we saw flowers, heard birds, and got some exercise. But my favorite part of our hike was spotting a wasp-relative carrying away a spider. They wasp and spider were actually quite big, I am guessing that the spider was a juventile turantula (though I am not certain). Though very close (less than 15 minutes from our apartment), we felt completely removed from urban-dom.